AI Ethics Policy

Zavata AI Ethics Policy

Last Updated: 01-01-2024

Zavata is dedicated to upholding ethical and lawful technology standards while using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ensuring that our practices are in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by the laws in Delaware. This document outlines our AI ethics policies which shows our commitment towards ensuring fairness, inclusivity, transparency, accountability, and non-discrimination throughout our operations and decision-making process.

1. Fairness, Non-Discrimination & Inclusivity Adherence:

1.1 Discrimination Avoidance:

We commit to using AI algorithms and data-driven processes that are designed to avoid discrimination based on race, gender, religion, caste, nationality, political inclination, or any other protected category under US law

1.2 Regular Audits:

Regular audits of our AI systems will be conducted through statistical analysis, algorithmic auditing, user surveys, or other relevant methods.These audits aim to identify and rectify any biases or unfair practices that may emerge during the development or deployment phases.

1.3 Equal Opportunities:

Our AI algorithms are purposefully designed to provide equal opportunities to all candidates, irrespective of their background. Efforts will be made to ensure that AI systems are accessible to individuals with disabilities as well. We actively champion diversity and inclusion in both our workforce and candidate pool. We foster an environment where meritocracy prevails, and individuals are evaluated based on their skills, qualifications, and experiences.

1.4 Continuous Improvement:

We improve our AI systems, policies, and practices on a continuous basis which may include staying abreast of advancements in fairness technologies, engaging in industry collaboration, and adapting our approach to align with evolving ethical standards.

2. Transparency Pledge:

Transparency is a cornerstone of our AI-driven recruitment processes. We will ensure that candidates and clients are provided with clear information on AI use including data sources and algorithms, which will be accessible upon request. Clear and understandable explanations will be provided in case an AI system is used to make a decision that impacts an individual.

We further promise to keep stakeholders informed about significant changes in our AI processes, ensuring transparency is maintained over time.

3. Accountability Pledge:

The Zavata will designate a team of responsible personnel including an AI Ethics Officer who will oversee AI-related activities and ensure compliance with ethical standards and compliance with relevant applicable laws. Regular training and awareness programs on AI ethics and safety will be conducted for all employees engaged in AI systems. Comprehensive logs of AI-based decisions are maintained to ensure traceability and accountability. Regular checks and assessments will be conducted to verify compliance with ethical standards and legal requirements, aligning our AI practices with evolving regulations.

4. Privacy and Data Protection:

Zavata will adhere to all the data protection and privacy laws prevalent in Delaware State in the Unites States, including the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP Act) and the Information Technology Act, 2000. We will obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting, storing, or using their personal data. This ensures that users have control over how their information is utilized.

To safeguard the collected data,robust security measures like encryption, access controls, network security etc. are in place.These measures are designed to protect against unauthorized access and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data.

Individuals have the right to request access to their personal data held by Zavata. Processes are in place to facilitate such requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

5. Data Accuracy and Quality:

We have made every effort to maintain the accuracy and quality of data used by our AI systems. Data cleaning and validation processes are also implemented to reduce errors and inaccuracies.

6. Mitigation of Bias Commitment:

Zavata also acknowledges the potential of bias in AI recruitment systems and is committed to mitigating it. Our AI systems utilize diverse and representative training data to avoid perpetuating existing biases.This ensures that our algorithms are trained on a broad spectrum of information. Regular audits and assessments will be conducted from time to time to identify and rectify any biases in our algorithms. Mitigation strategies are implemented to address identified biases promptly. This includes refining algorithms, updating training datasets, and incorporating ethical considerations into the development process.

7. Continuous Improvement:

Zavata will regularly monitor the fairness and performance of our AI systems through audits. Zavata is committed to ongoing monitoring, evaluation, and improvement of our AI ethics policies and practices. We will stay updated on evolving best practices, research, and technologies related to ethical AI and continuously work to improve our policies, processes, and algorithms. We will not only stay updated with evolving Delaware laws and regulations related to AI and adapt our policies accordingly but will also keep our employees abreast with them all by implementing training and development programs.

8. Compliance Initiatives:

Zavata will retain legal consultants and advisors to ensure we comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing AI, data protection, and non-discrimination in Delaware. We will conduct regular audits of our AI systems and data practices to ensure ongoing compliance. Any non-compliance will be addressed promptly by designated personnel. We will cooperate fully with regulatory authorities in any investigations or audits of our AI practices. Beyond reactive measures, we adopt a proactive approach to legal compliance. This includes anticipating changes in laws and regulations to adapt our policies and practices preemptively.

9. Ethical Use of AI in Recruiting:

We will use AI to enhance our recruiting processes, which will include but is not limited to candidate sourcing, screening, and matching while ensuring it does not replace the critical role of human judgment and ethics while conducting the hiring process. AI will not be used as the sole basis for any hiring decision. It serves as a supplementary tool to empower recruiters, ensuring that human insights and ethical considerations remain at the forefront of the decision-making process. Our recruiters will be continuously trained on mindfully leveraging AI-based tools to minimize bias.

10. Reporting and Whistle-blowing:

Dedicated reporting channels like ethics hotline, web forms, and dedicated email IDs will be provided for all stakeholders to securely and confidentially report any unethical, biased, or unlawful AI-related practices. The Zavata has a strict non-retaliation policy for all good-faith reporting.

By adhering to these AI ethics policies, the sole aim of the Zavata is to foster trust, protect individual rights, and contribute to mindful, responsible, and ethical AI adoption in the industry in the Unites States. These policies will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary in order to reflect the changing regulations and best practices under the jurisdiction of Delaware.

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